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I was listening to a sermon on TV and the scripture that was spoken below touched my heart... it was Proverbs 22:28 “Do not move an ancient boundary stone set up by your forefathers”
I know this particular scripture is usually spoken of in reference to not moving a landmark, or stealing property from someone, especially fatherless children.. etc.. but, it had different meaning to me during this teaching.
This scripture hit me to the very core, and made me think about how those generations who have gone before me have set deep core values in my heart and life that I treasure and desire to carry on. There was a price paid by making right choices to keep those boundaries intact. People tend to hear the word boundaries and the picture that comes to their minds is one of being "penned in". However, boundaries are not a bad thing, in fact they are our way to freedom. Walking in the middle of the street when there is traffic can lead to death, but staying within the boundaries we are safe. God has set up them up for our good. Our core values should include boundaries.
Those values are being questioned and violated today in ways I am utterly appalled. I never thought I would be living in a day like we are today, although I am not surprised because the bible tells us that this will all happen. It is like as it says in the word we are calling evil good and good evil. In trying not to "offend" anyone, we are "offending" God.
Nonchalance is everywhere.. It is almost as though Holy Ghost conviction is a thing of the past. I see parents using four letter words and "friggin" even in front of their own children as if they were saying "Good Morning" and not blinking an eye. This is just a small portion of what I am seeing. Do they not realize that words have power, and anything that is not a word of blessing is a curse?? It has become the “norm” for children to talk back to their parents and cherishing traditions has become in many homes such as sitting down for a family meal is a thing of the past. Disregarding and dishonoring parents is rampant. I am not one of those "fuddy-duddies" (I hope!) who just sees all the bad, I am a very optimistic person, but I see a pattern happening in trying to fit in and "just go with the flow".
It is not only with children, it is mainly with adults. Seeing how far outside healthy limitations we can go seems to be the way today. I see the breaking down of the fiber of our society. As we study history we realize that was the downfall of many nations.My mother always said: "Look at the Roman Empire, they were absolutely brazen in their stepping continually out of God's will, where more and more sin was entered into...and it contributed to their downfall." Please don't think I am trying to be critical or judgemental, it is just that my heart aches for the values of yesterday. I have had my times of rebellion too, so I am the last to even consider casting stones.. but I see a pattern taking place here.
Ever heard the old story of the frog in the kettle? If a frog is put in a kettle of cold water, it is true that if the water is heated up slowly the frog will boil to death without jumping out of the pot, and hopping out for its life. It is mesmerized by the slow steady rising of the heat. Think about it...it is as if we are the proverbial “Frog in the Kettle” and the water has been slowly turned up; and we are all boiling alive in our complacency and "devil may care attitudes". When is the line drawn in the sand saying as my husband has stated and we say: "I draw the line".? We need to be "kettle jumpers" and hop out the minute we see there is something wrong.
It is as though the expression "I'm okay, you're okay" way of thinking permeates the world.In spite of much hoopla, in reality there are only a few who are saying "hey... something is WRONG here.... terribly WRONG. Do you remember the story of "The Emperors new Clothes" where he was so hoodwinked by a nutty tailor, he displayed himself totally naked and it took a small child to finally say "Hey, the Emporer doesn't have any clothes on"!
It reminds me of the bible verses in Revelation 3:15- whereby God tells His children they believed everything was okay... however they were lukewarm and naked, poor and blind.
"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. 16 So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth. 17 Because you say, “I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing,” and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked, 18 I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so that you may become rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness will not be revealed; and eye salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see. 19 Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent. 20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me. 21 He who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. 22 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."
There are only a handful who truly know and understand how bad it has really become today. I think most people believe it will "turn around"... my feeling is that we as a people need to "turn around"
For example, even the thought of leaders of our Government having elicit sex and calling it “not having sex”..or pushing for legislature to kill unborn babies would have been shameful, and totally unacceptable years ago.. and yet we vote for such people today. Not only vote for them, but applaud them. There is nothing new about sexual sin however, King David and Samson in the bible had similar problems. They also lacked the fortitude to set boundaries. A multitude of things going on today are in my opinion not only outrageous, but downright scary. My head reels almost daily viewing the things that are being uprooted, and which are resetting the boundaries my forefathers have set.
Where are our core values??
My sister and my son have been separately in the process of doing a family history ..where we came from, and the journey our family has taken. It has gotten me thinking about my values; and what it is I want to hand down to the generations that will follow me. What is it that I want to preserve in my own life to give as a legacy. Will I be known as one who fought for values that line up with scripture? I don't want to leave this world without having God's mark, and leaving an impenetrable mark on lives.
Remember the old saying "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything"? This is a day when personal values, core values and traditional values are collapsing before our very eyes. We as a nation and a people are being tested to see where we stand. We need to decide which side of the fence we are on. I have been doing a self-evaluation as of late and have found there are many areas I fall short of standing strong when it comes to setting boundaries.
I am not a prude, I never have been, and for sure I am not any saint except in the biblical sense ... but I tell you true, I am concerned not only for this generation, but for the generations to come should the Lord tarry. I am in this world, but I don’t want to be OF this world.. I don't want to look, smell or act like the world does. There is liberty and blessings when we keep the boundaries the Lord has set.
Pslam 16:6 says The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage ..... meaning I live within boundaries because I respect God and my heritage. When I was younger people would say to me "why was I a good kid"? My answer was that I had been taught about heritage, family name and carrying on values others had chosen as a lifestyle. I try to do that today still, but for other reasons. Now, I know who I am in the Lord, my heart's desire is to please my heavenly Father in every way I can, my heritage is in HIM, I have a family name to carry and values He has paid a great price for me to follow by His grace.
The disastrous day of 9/11 God spoke to me before the second plane had hit the towers..
He said:
"Think it NOT strange that the towers are being hit by United and American Airlines..for I am calling a 911 for America to Unite in prayer less it fall like the towers."
Strong word.. and, I see just that happening. We are in for a bumpy ride. We need to do all we can do individually to keep ourselves on the narrow path, lest we succumb to all that is going on in this world today. How do we do this? Well, we can’t do it on our own. We need the grace and strength of God. When we come to know Him personally and realize how much He loves us and wants only good for us, it makes it easier to live within boundaries. We need to know His word and decide it will be the way we will live.
We need to unite in prayer and ask for guidance in these coming days, and we need to have a desire to want to walk in righteousness in all our ways and not our OWN ways or the world’s way. We need to live our lives making right choices and to be spending our time doing things that are meaningful. We can never live a holy life on our own merit or will power or efforts.. All this comes from realizing God's love for us and having relationship with Him. It all comes from close personal relationship with the one who created us. If we only fully could understand His perfect love for us, we would want to give that same love back to Him in full measure.
I am asking God in my own life to clearly show me boundaries which I have over stepped, and to set my feet upon the path of righteousness. His is the way and direction of life in abundance no matter what is going on in the world today.
I am with you .. we are together united in prayer for the ability to stand and not fall in the midst of what is going on today, and that we will continue to walk in the boundaries God and our ancestors have set even when it is difficult to do so.
Hopping along with you OUT OF THE POT !!!..
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